How Can You Tell If Dental Bridge is Bad?

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dentist explaining about a dental bridges

Bridges are prosthetic restorations that are designed specifically to replace missing teeth. Dental bridges are one type of such repair. During the implantation process, crowns are cemented to the teeth that surround the gap.

Dental bridges that last a lifetime belong to the type of dental restorations known as fixed or permanent restorations. Dental bridges, despite their name, are not indestructible. The teeth have the potential to shift or become loose if they are injured or not properly cared for.

A dental bridge may become unstable for a number of reasons, including the passage of too much time, the deterioration of the teeth that support the bridge (the abutment teeth), or periodontal disease.

In the event that a dental bridge becomes dislodged or broken, or any of the components of your dental bridge become loose, timely intervention can frequently avert the need to readjust or replace the dental bridge completely.

How Do You Know if a Dental Bridge is Loose?

You may have a dental bridge that is too loose if you experience pain when biting or chewing with the affected area, if you have recurring periodontal issues, or if you detect pain or increased sensitivity in your gums and the teeth that surround the affected area.

The most evident sign that dental bridges near you are loose is when you are able to move them with your tongue or finger. A dental bridge needs to be firmly bonded into place in the mouth, just like a genuine tooth does, in order to function properly.

Suppose a tooth is loose or the dental bridge is in danger of coming loose and falling out. In that case, it is imperative to contact a dentist in North Naples as soon as possible and schedule an appointment for a checkup and repair as soon as possible.

Even if the patient is unable to perceive any motion resulting from the dental bridge, it may have experienced damage or loosening. Chewing pain is another warning sign that may indicate you have a loose dental bridge.

Chewing can be difficult in the area of the dental bridge, which is another indication that the dental bridge is loose and needs to be fixed. Pain and sensitivity in the teeth and gums are common signs of a dental bridge that has become loose, and this is especially true when the loose dental bridge is the result of periodontal disease or difficulties with the abutment teeth.

When a loose tooth makes frequent contact with the gums and teeth that are close to it, the patient may experience an increase in both pain and sensitivity. It is not uncommon to experience discomfort as a result of a dental bridge that is overly loose. Because of this, it may be challenging for both to eat and converse.

It is also possible that you will experience an uncomfortable sensation, as though the dental bridge has been dislodged. In this scenario, the dental bridge will undeniably require some kind of maintenance or repair.

In most cases, periodontal problems are to blame when dental bridges in North Naples go loose. If gingivitis or periodontitis develops, the dental bridge may become dislodged from the tooth it is attached to. Gum recession and bone loss can cause a dental bridge to become unstable or possibly fall out completely.

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Consult with Our Dentist Now

Come into Torrens Dental Care at your earliest convenience if you have a loose dental bridge or are just curious about dental bridge treatment. To replace lost teeth, we provide customizable, restorative therapy that will strengthen and preserve your smile.

To set up a meeting with our professional dentist near you, give us a call or schedule an appointment through our website.